Making arrangements for their own funeral is an uncomfortable topic for some people, but no less of a necessity. We routinely take out insurance protection against events that we hope will never happen (car crash, house burglary etc) and which for most people never will, yet we shy away from facing up to what is 100% guaranteed to happen to all of us at some point; only the timing is uncertain. The importance of doing this however, especially here in Spain, simply cannot be overstated.
We make wills without feeling awkward, and we decide what to leave to our loved ones, but there are also things that we would not wish to leave them with: the burden of high funeral costs when payment is required immediately and at a time when bank accounts are often frozen; the worry and stress of all the arrangements at a time of great upset; coping with the speed with which these things are done in Spain; and attempting to handle all of this with the added pressure of a different language and culture. Simply leaving all of this to fall on the shoulders of a surviving spouse or partner is an abdication of personal responsibility; making sensible, planned arrangements is an act of love, being caring enough to insulate and protect those closest to you at what will be a very difficult time.
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